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Safe Shopping Grand Junction

Online Grocery Shopping Tips in Grand Junction Colorado During the COVID19 Pandemic

The whole state of Colorado is now in shelter in place order by our governor. We need to be very thoughtful in how we organize our days and lives. We’re still going to need to eat, shop and practice safe procedures when we’re in public for our essential activities like grocery shopping. The goal in giving you these COVID19 Grocery Shopping Tips in Grand Junction Colorado will keep you safe and sane during these challenging time.

Leverage Technology

Bright people have gone through extraordinary innovation to make grocery shopping safe for you and your loved ones. Using online shopping will protect you and grocery clerks lives easier right now. They are working overtime and being exposed to so many people. If you have the technology skills to navigate websites and apps, please use it for the time being.

There are campaigns out there to protect grocery clerks from a job stand point. These campaigns encourage people to not use self check outs and online ordering. The thought and intent is understood. However now is not the time to apply it. Our current state needs to be about minimizing their exposure and our exposure to potential carriers of COVID19.

Tech Tip

Websites kind of function like physical domains. The more people using a website at a time, the more congested they get and the less functional they get. When there are more people on a website than it can handle they don’t function well.

We’ve found success online ordering late in the evening. There are less people using the websites and apps. You’re going to find easier to use websites and better inventory late in the evening.

One word of caution though: continue to get good sleep. Adjust your sleep schedule, but continue to get necessary sleep and rest.

 Safety Tip

When going to the grocery store or receiving at home food delivery you’re going to be exposed to people. You’re not going to ask each and every person you’re around, “Have you had a fever?” or “Have you traveled outside the country?” that’s just silly.

You’re going to want to protect yourself when your in crowds now and you’re going to want to protect yourself when you accept groceries and foods in your house.

Before we outline things in detail, this video summarizes how sterile technique can be applied at home. You’re welcome to practice it if you want to protect yourself.

Plan Ahead

Going to the store isn’t the same these days. You need a plan. You need a plan on what specific foods and ingredients you need and more importantly when you’re going to eat them.

With all the stimulus we’re exposed to right now, plus the concerns we’re under we can all use less stress.

We recommend an affordable solution to meal planning called The Fresh 20

This simple meal planning and recipe program makes grocery shopping and planning easier by taking the brain work out of it. Plus, with online ordering you just enter your quantities and go pick it up. This reduces your exposure and keeps you eating fresh foods. For more information check out a recent article we published called The Best Way to Prevent Hoarding.

Specific Meal Plans

Here are the specific meal plan we think our readers will enjoy:

Paleo Plan – this link will take you to the main page and then you’ll need to find the Paleo Plan


Gluten Free

Dairy Free


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