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The Best Way to Prevent Hoarding

Wow, things are escalating quickly. People are stocking up on essential supplies. We are seeing a huge need to outline The Best Way to Prevent Hoarding so you are part of the solution and not fueling the problem.

We’ve all seen it. The short supplies of toilet paper, hand soap and other critical supplies. But have you see what is happening with food supplies? Flour, sugar and processed foods are what people are hoarding while healthy produce is being left alone. We see two opportunities here.

Fuel Poorly

How you face the challenge of COVID19 is your choice. Your response and reaction is entirely up to you. You can choose to eat healthy and exercise at home or you can choose to eat nonperishable, unhealthy foods and watch the news all day. This is entirely your choice.

What’s sad is what we’re seeing on the news and social media. People hoarding supplies and food and creating supply chain issues.

Furthermore, the foods being purchased are not going to fuel you when you’re sick.

Fuel Smartly

HoardingRight now is a good time to eat healthier than ever. It’s a great time to be putting fresh produce and meats on the table for yourself, your kids and your loved ones.

One of the leading experts on what’s happening with the COVID19 Pandemic recently discredited a bunch of scams people are being sold. Supplements, saunas and other gimmicks don’t have research backing their ability to help with viruses. We highly encourage you read, watch or listen to Dr. Osterholm’s interview.

The best advice about what you can do to protect yourself is simply things. They include strategies we should be doing everyday, not just during a pandemic. They include:

  1. Getting quality rest
  2. Eating healthy foods
  3. Getting some exercise even if you’re practicing Social Distancing

COOR Wellness believes that eating healthy fruits and vegetable right now is very important. The problem is, you don’t want to over buy produce and let it go bad. You want to buy a week at a time and no more.

Final Thoughts

You’re going to need to be smart about your shopping but not spending too much. Let’s face it, every penny counts right now.

The solution we believe is The Best Way to Prevent Hoarding is a program that helps you buy exactly 20 fresh ingredients for 5 meals every week.

It works like this: every Friday you receive a shopping list and a meal plan. The shopping list is only 20 ingredients and you can order them online or go to the store and fight the crazies (your choice). Then, when you get home before you put your groceries away your guide will tell you exactly how to meal prep. Then, during the week you take out what to cook that evening, do minimal prep work and cook your meal.

This is the best solution for still doing the work and prepping your food but it takes out the stress of trying to prepare a plan and grocery list.

For more information go to TheFresh20.com

For full disclosure, if you do sign up for this program we get a small commission for referring you to them. We’re never going to pay the bills by promoting their service but we are big believers in their product. And by no means is their program a MultiLevel Marketing Program.

For more information about how COOR Wellness supports the health of people in the Grand Junction, Colorado community and internationally through our virtual health coaching programs click HERE to learn more. Or, if you want to schedule a free 10 minute health consultation you can schedule online by clicking HERE.


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